Have Fun with Pd
Professional Development doesn't have to be laborious, boring, or costly but it does have to be regular and meaningful.
- The best professional development comes from your staff itself and their needs at the time.
- Regular, casual sharing among staff is a valuable way to create a sense of community and increase motivation.
Whether you are a Teacher, Principal, Literacy Coach or Consultant, you can effectively and rapidly organize this simple and informal professional development idea.
Use these catchy titles to promote brief, daily staff development opportunities during lunch hour. Casually, amidst the usual staffroom buzz of chats at the microwave, eating, phone calls, and coffee percolating, those who wish can share ideas that created powerful moments of learning, discovery, and growth in their classroom.
Make Writing Meaningful Monday - share activities and lessons that promote the most purposeful and authentic writing in your class.
Terrific Tales Tuesday – share favourite classroom reading material such as poems, picture books, chapter books, non-fiction, etc.
Wonderful Words Wednesday – share best word work ideas from phonics to vocabulary building.
There’s an app for that Thursday – share favourite apps, websites, media literacy, and technology ideas.
Fabulous Philosophies Friday – share favourite blogs, articles, Professional Development books, etc. so that learning and growth continue.
Make a poster with the days of the week and a brief description of what to share each day. Hang the poster in the staff room and let the magic begin. Start with only one day of the week, if necessary, so your colleagues won't feel overwhelmed. Keep it light and short, and have fun!!!!
I encourage you to create your own catchy titles based on PD needs in your school. I'd love to hear your ideas so send me an e-mail through the 'Contact Me' link.
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
-John Quincy Adams